Tracking Array: Specs

Rated Power in full sun 3440 watts
(3.44 kilowatts)
Number of Panels 16
Panels Sanyo HIT-215N
215 watts each
Inverter Fronius IG-Plus 3.8
3800 watt inverter
Tracker Wattsun AZ-225 dual axis tracker
Pole height 15 feet
Estimated Annual Energy Production 6,000 kilowatt-hours
(6 Megawatt-hours)
Estimated Annual Reduction in Coal burned 6,000 lbs of coal
Estimated Annual Reduction in Carbon Dioxide Emissions 12,000 lbs of CO2
Car miles you could drive annually using array to power a Chevy Volt 16,000 miles per year
Car miles you could drive annually using array to power a Ford Focus all electric 25,000 miles per year
Solar Installer SUR Energy, Ann Arbor
Total Cost of Parts and Labor (Prevailing Wage) including Internet data monitoring and utility meter for net metering $44,568
Funding Sources
  1. Individuals and businesses who support Renewable Energy and WBHS
  2. Energy Works Michigan
  3. Fronius Inverters
  4. Sonitrol Security